Exposition is the placement of the sacred host outside the tabernacle for public prayer. The Church permits a ”full” exposition when the sacred host is visible in a vessel called a “monstrance”.
It’s purposes are to:
● Acknowledge Christ’s presence in the Sacrament.
● Lead a fuller participation in celebration of the Eucharist.
● Foster the worship due Christ in spirit and in truth.
● Prayer for the needs of the Church and individuals.
Third Thursday of each month after the 8:15am Mass from 9-10am
Persons willing to pray for an hour before the “exposed” Blessed Sacrament. At least two persons need to be present at all times.
It is a privilege to assist the priest at Holy Mass or other liturgies. Boys and girls who wish to serve can begin their training in the fourth or fifth grade. Watch the bulletin for scheduled training sessions.
The Lector Ministry is an opportunity for parishioners to participate in the liturgy by proclaiming the Word of God. Training is provided. New members are encouraged to join in this rewarding ministry.
A lector proclaims the Word of God when parishioners gather to celebrate Mass.
Men, Women, and Teens who wish to share the Word of God with others by proclaiming Scripture during mass.
The Arts & Environment Committee is the group of volunteers responsible for decorating the church for the various liturgical seasons. Whether you enjoy floral arranging, creating beautiful spaces to worship, watering flowers, ironing fabric or climbing ladders–there is room for you on this wonderful committee! CLICK HERE to view photos of our beautiful church!
It is the Sacristan’s role to see to the consistent and proper handling of certain aspects of parish liturgy. In so doing, the Sacristan helps to create a prayerful liturgy and frees the priest to give his attention to the prayer and to the pastoral care of the people.
The sacristan arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles, etc.
This ministry is open to adults who have celebrated Confirmation, and who are free of any impediments to participating in the sacramental life of the Church. A good sacristan is a boon to any parish and, as the GIRM (General Instructions for the Roman Catholic Missal) says, the post fulfills a true liturgical function.
As the Ceremonial of Bishops states: “The adornment and décor of a church should be such as to make the church a visible sign of love and reverence toward God.”
Ushers are an important part of the Eucharist Celebration at St. John the Baptist. The men and women who serve in this ministry are both hosts and housekeepers for the Lord's Supper. They greet arriving parishioners and guests, making them feel welcome. They act as first responders if someone is in distress. They ensure that the Lord's house is in order before, during and after the celebration of Mass. All members of St. John the Baptist are invited to participate in this ministry.
Extending a warm welcome is to light a candle in a person's life! We are looking for smiling, friendly faces to welcome parishioners, guests and newcomers to St. John the Baptist's celebration of the Liturgy. Greeters help to create a welcoming atmosphere of true hospitality, drawing all together in the spirit of community and opening the way to fully participate in the liturgy.
Our goal is to increase fellowship and involvement in the parish community. The Time Commitment is Small (only once a month), but the Benefits are Huge:
For more information, or to sign up, please email the parish office with your name, phone number, address and your Mass time preference.
Extaordinary Eucharistic Ministers distribute Holy Communion at weekend and other masses, Communion services, and distribute communion to the home bound. These ministers are recommended by the Pastor and approved by the Bishop to distribute the Holy Eucharist. Call the parish office or send an email to parishoffice@stjohnmonroe.com.
The Church calls people to the responsible stewardship of their time and talent in support of the Church. This often takes the form of volunteering for a specific lay ministry, most of which are liturgical, catechetical, or involved in pastoral care and social justice.
Liturgical lay ministries include lectors (Ministers of the Word) who proclaim scriptural (the Bible) passages during the Liturgy of the Word, altar servers who assist the presider at the altar, cantors and music ministers who lead the singing, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who serve during Mass and/or who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, and ushers or ministers of hospitality who direct the seating and procession of the assembly.